What's A Common Misconception About Seborrheic Dermatitis?
Common misconceptions are that you're not going to be able to manage it and that your hair won't ever grow back. It does grow back it takes a very long time. But it does grow back. It's just a battle.
I recently started taking liquid Biotin along with Hydrolated collagen in powdered form for the hairloss I’ve had, which I believe is due to menopause more than my scalp condition, which was called seborrhea way back when by my dermatologist years ago. I also got a rash that would come up on my upper back and the dermatologist referred to it as acute dermatitis and would prescribe a cortisone cream for my skin. I have a patch on each of my upper arms that correct itch so much but looks bad as I’ve had people ask me what it is while they curl their nose and lips at me. I had a massage client when I was doing massage who had severe eczema on her arms, legs and torso. I was initially concerned my scented massage oil would make it worse but it didn’t at all. It was almost like her skin was quite thirsty. I believe hers was worsened by her constantly scratching all over which made it bright red and sometimes a bit bloody looking.
I’ve used Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner that I bought from Wallyworld for a reasonable price. My seborrhea has never been as bad as it was in my early 20s. (Still feel it may have been largely caused by my stress level being so high when I was married to my first husband. 🤪It went away after we were divorced and has never returned to that level again.
I think it does grow back for many people. I am not one of them. I've had it for decades and it slowly fell out; about 1/3 of it is gone. Could menopause have caused some of it? I just know that I have SebDerm and have gone through Menopause long ago. I will say that it hasn't been falling out that much in the last few years. I ceased using any color or getting it foiled about 3 years ago. I cut it quite short and let it turn white gray, and it began to curl. I stopped blow drying it, not good for the scalp that is bone dry like mine, and just let it curl. I like it!
I wish I had your curls. I have noticed recently that I have lost more hair, it is a challenge!
I agree, some of the heavier oils do make it worse. I use a a certain brand of coconut oil on my scalp which is organic, only takes a small drop and I work it through my wet hair. It works wonders and helps nourish your roots and scalp. I’m not suppose to say brands so I will tell you it is one of your more better products sold on Amazon. My daughter got me into the oils and she has healed her self with a lot of problems with her health. She too carries my genes. And there are alternatives you can use.
Another one is olive oil and use very sparingly.
Castor oil is another one great for growing hair and nourishing for the roots and scalp. Use very sparingly also. A drop goes a long way.
Let me know how it works for you.
What Is The Side Affects Of This Disease
Has Anyone Had Hair Loss (shedding) Because Of Seborrhia Dermatitis?
Why Dose This Condition Seem To Be Linked With Hiv? Because I Dont Have Hiv But I Have The Seb Derm Condition.