Do I Even Have Seborrheic Dermatitis? I Am A Male.
Yesterday, I saw photos of plaque psoriasis on the scalp and behind the ears of a male model that mirrored my problem exactly, but I also get a crusty rash in my goatee and eyebrows and a non-crusting rash on my face. It’s the yellow-ish crusting and build-up nature of the rash that seems to be unique to plaque psoriasis. Is it possible that I have a comorbidity or just plaque psoriasis? I’ve seen my doctor but on that day I had no crusty areas to show him. I was not diagnosed with anything but… read more
Has Anyone Had Hair Loss (shedding) Because Of Seborrhia Dermatitis?
What Is The Side Affects Of This Disease
Any Treatment Options For Seborrheic Dermatitis That Do Not Have Coconut Or Coconut Byproducts?