Cerave? Good Or Bad
I have used the CeraVe face cream for a few months and it seems to be fine for my dry itchy skin. I just purchased CeraVe Eczema Relief Creamy Oil and use it for my arms and legs, which are v e r y dry. So far, I like the creamy oil a lot. It is like a barrier product more oily than creamy. Not quite Vaseline.
I've used CeraVe moisturizer with sucscreen for a couple of years now - doesn't irritate the SD or the rosacea. The new compound my dermatologist just prescribed for rosacea actually has CeraVe in it.
I used the dandruff shampoo every other day and just cream rinse in between. I let it sit on my head until it soothed and then just rinse it out and blow dry. I found leaving it wet made it itch more.
Correct me if I am wrong: I found Cevrave cream more effective than the Cerave SA lotion. The cream has 4% salicylic acid while the lotion has 3%
When it first started, it inched so bad. I rubbed Moisturizer cream into my head and put a bandanna wrapped around it. It cooled it off enough to get some sleep,
Gentle Conditioner Recommendations?
Hi There! Does Anyone Have Thoughts On The Number Of Showers To Take In A Week. Does It Strip Natural Oils From Skin
My Dermatologist Told Me That My Itching Might Be Nerve Related And Told Me To Go On Gabapentin. Does This Sound Good Or Bad?