Gentle Conditioner Recommendations?
Do you use in your scalp after shampoo to combat dryness or just on mid and ends of your hair. If you use it on scalp do you massage it up n and let it sit for a couple minutes or just spread in all over you head and rinse right away?
Lisa I have your same symptoms. I was scare to take a bath. I have redness, inflamation, painful especially after us keto shampoo. It soothe after 2 days when my scalp have a little sebum.
Sorry what are you scratching off your head? I don't have any peeling. It mostly feels like dry, itchy, burning at times sensation and sometimes a crawling sensation. Usually persists in the front of my scalp but travels.
Eucerin intensive care lotion it seems to help. I can put it on my head it softens them and makes them easy to scratch them off. I have it on my face as well. My cheeks between my eyebrows and scalp but after putting it on after two or 3 days it kinda goes away.
CereVe hydrating conditioner is just that. They also have a shampoo. It comes in regular and dandruff strength (zinc...) to great dandruff and itchy scalp. I went to their Web site and the directions are you can put it on your whole head/hair and then rinse it out. Some will say to just use conditioner on mids and ends, so just see what works for you. I have not tried it yet and this is the best answer I have for you as I haven't heard back from the team.
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What Over The Counter Shampoos/conditioners Have People Used And Work?
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