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The Place To Ask Questions, Yay. Ok, How About Moisturizers? Do They Make This Worse?

A MySebDermTeam Member asked a question 💭
Rifle, CO
March 31, 2024
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A MySebDermTeam Member

From the very little feedback on the effectiveness of this newly released medication, I am trying to figure out how it is working to improve the condition. Is it drying up the oily patches on the scalp? The comment, hard scales signals to me that maybe the scales will dry up and come off somehow. I know when the debre is hard like that it can be like a rock and probably not very comfortable, but is it part of the process of how the medicine works? I need to research this. It would have been interesting to have been in a research study as long as your hair did not fall out or anything awful like that.

April 2, 2024
A MySebDermTeam Member

FYI: I've decided not to try the Zoryve Foam. I am going to wait until it's been around for awhile and I've seen how patients have responded to it. 🌹

April 1, 2024
A MySebDermTeam Member

My daughter lives in Boulder and it is such a nice town. They bought a home in the mountains (not on the top!) and it is lovely. Every view has mountains and gorgeous trees. The fire dept checks on their property regularly and trims anything that looks like it might be a hazard. I wouldn't drive a car down that hill for any amount of money. It's so true what you say about the Derm docs. Please try another one this time around. Bring a copy of your SD files and other medical problems with you. They need to know all of that to make a diagnosis. My facial skin is a mess. I have used 1% cortisone cream for 50 plus years, so my skin is thinned and I have broken blood vessels all around my nose. My freckles have sort of grown together here and there, along with the SD which makes for a colorful look! Oh well, life goes on. I hope you get to the bottom of this serious SD issue. There are meds out there that will help you, including RX shampoos, creams, tonics etc. Some people have success with a holistic approach, acupuncture, etc. even diet changes can help. Allergy testing too. I wish you health and wellness. 🌺

April 1, 2024
A MySebDermTeam Member

Hi Linda, I use a moisturizer every day and it doesn't seem to aggravate my face. I use CereVe Moisturizing Cream. I have very dry skin top to bottom, and I have to use something. My worst areas are scalp, eye brows, ears and eyelids. my face isn't too bad. It gets red areas with small bumps and I put 1% cortisone cream on as I do in the other areas as well. My scalp is also very dry and usually has plaques, dandruff and occasional small lumps that can drain. The cream helps somewhat. You mentioned that your scalp is very oily and your face is light and dry. I'd ask a dermdoc to recommend something for your dry skin. Mine is so tight if I don't moisturize and yours must be as well. You are going to see one for your other problems, so take care of that too. As for your oily scalp, I am not sure about what to use. That sounds complicated. Many people on this site have the oily scalp issue, and it's heartbreaking. Add that to your list for the dermdoc. I am so sorry that you have not been feeling well. I hope you get some answers quickly. Sorry that I wasn't very helpful. Feel better! Soon! 🌹

March 31, 2024
A MySebDermTeam Member

Welcome, so happy you joined our group. We learn so much from each other and you will find our group very kind and compassionate.We understand your struggles and the same issues you do. Your input will really help our community and you will make some awesome friends. Reach out and make friends.
We share a lot of helpful tips as well as treatments that have helped up, we may not clear up as quickly as we’d like, but one thing we do know is patience.
Let us know if you need anything and please check out the resources, great information there for us. We know what you’re saying. Glad you’re here.
Coconut oil and aloe Vera is great to use too.

December 20, 2024

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