Do Any Of You Ever Get Complete Relief Or Do You Learn To Deal With The Itchiness And Burning?
My symptoms have gone down some the past few weeks but I always still have the itchiness and burning some more than others. I don't think this dry weather is helping matters as my whole body feels itchy and dry. I have very sensitive skin and will bring it up at my next dermatologist appointment in Feb. But was just wondering what others experience. Is it worse in winter for you?
Let me know how it goes. My seb derm has gotten better the past week, so I'm not wanting to do any changes as this point if it's improving and mess with my progress. But it has been something I read about and is in the back as something to try if it gets really bad again. Thanks, I hope it works for you. Keep us posted.
Candi-I have not tried Dr. for hair. I did look it up and saw you can get it on Amazon, however most shampoos have a lot of ingredients as I looked at the ingredients on this one and it was heavy. I'm using head and shoulders Bare hydration. They have another one too but this also helps moisturize. I do have to use a conditioner spray though or my hair is static from this dry weather we are having. that only has 9 ingredients one being water and I think it's the most gentile for my hair. I'm recommending it to others because it is what has been working the best for my symptoms. I do get some itchiness, but it's less
I have tried many different shampoos; unfortunately, shampoos with ketoconazole did not help me. The 75 ml Sulsen Forte 2% Dandruff Prevention Paste from Mirrolla worked well for me. I used it 1-2 times a week. Now, the Dr.FORHAIR Folligen Shampoo [Paraben-Free, Silicone-Free, Sulfate-Free] helps keep my seborrhea under control very effectively.
Supposed to be helpful for Seb Derm, has 1% ketoconazole. I haven't tried it yet but just ordered from amazon.
I have not. Does that just help with the seb derm or does it also help with the dryness you get in the winter time?
How Does It Work
What Is The Best Over The Counter Shampoo People Have Used To Find Relief?
Which Remedy Helps The Most In Your Case With Da Itching?