Is There A Way To Keep This From Spreading Anymore
I have been using something for poison ivy hoping to dry it up
It will do what it does - it has a mind of it's own. If it's spreading U may need a mild Corticosteroid prescrip. from Your Dermatologist to get back to good. Taking medications & such may happen in the beginning but I have found that moisturizers & topical's are not always the Answer... unless there is a major flare Up. Taking a trip to See the Dermatologist really ain't that bad though.. I don't mind.🙂
To manage seborrheic dermatitis and prevent it from spreading, consider the following strategies:
- Use Appropriate Products: Antifungal shampoos or products containing zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid, ketoconazole, or coal tar can be effective. Always check for potential side effects with your dermatologist
- Refrigerate Show Full Answer
How Would You Describe What It's Like To Live With Seborrheic Dermatitis?
Does Anyone Else Have The Problem Of Getting The Small Particles Of Skin (???) Out Of Clothing, Bedding, And Just About Everything?
The Place To Ask Questions, Yay. Ok, How About Moisturizers? Do They Make This Worse?