Tips For Help Getting To Sleep?
I cannot sleep because of itching and strange sensations on neck. Sometimes it feels like I can feel the skin moving on my neck, sometimes it feels like something is crawling on my skin, sometimes it feels itchy. Right now it feels like a burning sensation.
I put tacrolimus on my face and neck tonight and waited an hour. Then I experienced an itch, so I put some moisturizer on top of that.
I'm still uncomfortable and not sure what I should do. If fit wasn't 2:30 AM, I would probably take a… read more
Maybe a more mild sedative or something natural a natural sleep remedy,.
Head and shoulders shampoo. I know it says shampoo but you can also use it as a body wash as well. It prevents you from that "gotta scratch it" feeling.
Benadryl is great for itching so if you use store brand it will take care of itch and sleeplessness but not as long as Benadryl. That is what I do
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Why Is That The Itchiness Of My Scalp Increases At Nighttime When Getting Ready For Bed
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