Where Can I Get This Foam For My Scalp?
I posted in another thread about my process to get Zoryve foam. It took about 2.5 weeks from my request to my dermatologist to final insurance approval to pick up of the medication. At this point, I imagine most doctors are in the know about Zoryve foam so discussing this prescription should be straightforward. I have been using it for about 5 days (as of 2/17) so I will share my thoughts/experience once I am further along. Good luck!
Thanks for letting me know, Debbie. Does you insurance pay pretty well? $900 is way too much. I'm on Medicare and have a supplemental policy too. I'm going in soon to the dermdoc and I will see what she says about it. I hope she knows...☘️
It works great, however you don’t get much foam so it goes fast, then you have to wait week and 1:2 to fill bc I’m not paying $900 out of pocket!
Looking forward to hearing about your journey with Zoryve foam.
Kathleen...let us know your the response of your Derm doc concerning the foam plus cost..thanks!
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