One Of The Most Annoying Things For Me Is Having This Gooey Stuff On My Scalp. Does Anyone Have Any Advice. Thanks
Zinc pyrithione will get it off,
What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About Seborrheic Dermatitis?
Be patient it takes time to get through a flare up.
Does Anyone Ever Want To Go Over People Homes When They Have A Condition
Thank you Uny, you got this. Merry Christmas to you and yours. I hope we all have a day of clear skin. Remember to get some rest and have a great New Year.
Some Studies Say Metronidazole Works On Facial Sebderm But It Does Not Attack The Yeast Causing Sebderm. Anyone Have Success With This Drug?
Thanks-I will try it!
Are There Any Active Trials For Any Treatments Or Cures For Seb Derm In The US ?
What’s One Thing About Seborrheic Dermatitis That People Rarely Discuss But Should?
LidiaC, Prueba un antihistamínico.🙂
What Is The Side Affects Of This Disease
There's a lot of side FX's to a condition like this. I don't like the Flakes.
Any New Treatments, Other Than Shampoos, For Scalp Dermatitis?
Hello Charles and welcome to a great support group. You will be able to chat with your friends and get a lot of great information. As well as the resources are pack with so much information… read more
What Ointments, Oils Or Creams Are Avaialable For Treatment For Scalp Dermatitis?
For treating seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp, several ointments, oils, and creams are available. Here are some options:
- Topical Corticosteroids
- Fluocinolone (Synalar)
- Desonide (Verdeso)… read more
What Is Suggested To Apply To Aggressive Pimples - Hydrogen Peroxide?
Agressive pimples should be seen by a dermatologist. They can be caused by a bacterial infection, such as agressive pseudomonas.